Partnerships & Philanthropy

Farmers Foundation dines on campus and learns about Texas A&M University at Galveston


Farmers Foundation at TAMUGLed by the Farm Foundation president Neil Conklin, more than 75 members of the Foundation’s Round Table visited TAMUG January 8.   The Farm Foundation works as a catalyst for sound public policy by providing objective information to foster a deeper understanding of issues shaping the future for agriculture, food systems and rural regions. The Round Table is an invitational discussion forum comprised of leaders from across the food chain and across North America that meets twice yearly to provide a forum for discussion and interaction among members and invited government, academic, agribusiness and other interest group leaders.  Admiral Robert Smith, TAMUG CEO, discussed the importance of the Houston-Galveston region and TAMUG to the nation’s economy and the health of the agriculture industry.  After a review of TAMUG history and briefing on TAMUG today, Dr. Antonietta Quigg, Associate Vice President of Research and Graduate Studies, discussed with the Round Table research at TAMUG directly related to agriculture and food production.  At the conclusion of the visit, Conklin observed,”We appreciated the opportunity to interact with the Sea Aggie leadership and to learn about the university’s unique research agenda.”