Campus Life

Texas A&M at Galveston to host Galveston County Science and Engineering Fair, Feb. 8


The 32nd annual Galveston County Science and Engineering Fair will be conducted on Feb. 8 (Saturday) at the Dr. James and Pat McCloy Gymnasium and PE facility on the campus of Texas A&M University at Galveston. Exhibits are open to the general public from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.  For directions to the science fair, go to

Faculty and staff from Texas A&M Galveston, the University of Texas Medical Branch and Galveston College continue a long-standing tradition of collaboration to encourage Galveston County students from 7th through 12th grade to engage in science, engineering, technology and mathematics through competitive exhibitions.

Exhibit categories include behavioral/social science, botany, chemistry and mathematics, medicine/health, zoology, physics, engineering as well as biochemistry/microbiology, environmental science, earth/space science and computer science. Exhibit subjects include “How Vision Affects Memory” (behavioral science); “How Medicine Affects Plants” (botany); and “Crab Invasion” (zoology) and much more.

Fourteen schools and more than 200 students from 7th-grade junior division, 9th grade division and 10th through 12th grade senior division will participate in the fair. Student participants who win in their category will be awarded trophies, certificates, scholarships and cash awards

Science Fair Co-Chairs are Dr. Donna Lang of Texas A&M Galveston, Dr. James Salazar of Galveston College and Dr. Clifford Houston of UTMB. Science Fair Committee members from Galveston College are Joe Huff, Janene Davison and Sylvia Ojeda. Science Fair Committee members from Texas A&M Galveston are Dr. David Baca, Dr. Tom Linton, Dr. Bill Seitz and Regina Daniels. Science Fair Committee members from the University of Texas Medical Branch are Alicia Simmons, Sylvia Torres, Dr. Patricia Seitz and Dr. Marguerite Sognier.

For more information, contact Dr. David R. Baca at (409) 599-1441.