Wells Named Sustainable Fisheries Endowed Chair

On April 3, Dr. Debbie Thomas, executive associate vice president for academic affairs and chief academic officer of the Galveston Campus, announced the selection of Dr. David Wells as the George P. Mitchell ’40 Endowed Chair in Sustainable Fisheries. Appointment as an endowed chair is one of the highest honors a faculty member can achieve.
Wells is the principal investigator of the Shark Biology and Fisheries Science laboratory at the Galveston Campus. With the goal to aid in the conservation and sustainability of these valuable resources, the lab studies a range of marine habitats to get a better understanding of the biology and ecology of sharks and bony fishes throughout marine ecosystems.
Wells is also the assistant director of The Gulf Research Institute for Highly Migratory Species, which fills critical data gaps in the habitat requirements, life history and dispersive behaviors of these species in the Gulf of Mexico.
Wells is highly regarded by his peers in the scientific community, with his research making lasting contributions to sustainable fisheries management practices.
“Dr. Wells is an absolute superstar in the realm of shark fishery management and conservation,” said Thomas. She continued, “His non-traditional approach to shark biology and fisheries science has led to a very impressive set of metrics and clearly propelled him to disciplinary leader. Equally impressive are his talent and passion for education, both within the classroom and in the teaching-through-research space. The chaired position is a well-deserved honor, and a promise of even greater impact!”
Established in 2008, the $1 million endowment funds the research and teaching that provide the basic knowledge and tools necessary to sustain marine fisheries for recreation and food. Per the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation, the chair holder concentrates on economically important fisheries and the critical ecosystems necessary to maintain their health and long-term viability in Texas, national and international waters.
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Taylor Bounds