Texas A&M-Galveston’s Dr. David Wells Named 2020 EDGES Fellow

Texas A&M University at Galveston is excited to announce our very own Associate Professor Dr. David Wells ’02 of the Department of Marine Biology has been named a 2020 Chancellor Enhancing Development and Generating Excellence in Scholarship (EDGES) Fellow. Read More

Texas A&M-Galveston Shark Study Aims to Help Anglers Avoid Accidental Animal Death

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime, goes the old adage. But even more important is the experience level of the fisher — the better the fisher, the better the chance the shark on the other end of the line will live to swim another day. Read More

Team Tracks Tuna Using Ear Bones

If tuna truly was the chicken of the sea, Dr. David Wells would have no need to have done extensive research on the subject. Read More

TAMUG Professor Awarded Fulbright Fellowship in New Zealand

Dr. David Wells, associate professor in the Department of Marine Biology at Texas A&M University at Galveston, is heading south to study Pacific Bluefin Tuna in the waters around New Zealand, in support of a joint U.S./New Zealand Fulbright Fellowship. Read More

Texas A&M Galveston Shark Tagging Project Could Reveal Key Secrets

Shark populations can fluctuate widely, and largely depend upon a number of factors including fishing pressure. A Texas A&M University at Galveston researcher hopes his project can help provide additional information on how fishing activities impact sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. Read More

Texas A&M University at Galveston Receives Grants to Study Sharks & Ancient Hurricanes in Partnership with Universities in Mexico

Two Texas A&M University at Galveston researchers have been awarded grants to conduct work on marine science and marine biology projects. Read More

National Shark Awareness Q&A with Dr. David Wells

Dr. David Wells is an assistant professor and head of the Shark Biology and Fisheries Science Lab at Texas A&M University at Galveston. Read More

Texas A&M University At Galveston Researcher Hopes To Tag As Many As 50 Sharks In The Gulf Of Mexico

In one of the most ambitious projects of its kind, a Texas A&M University at Galveston researcher hopes to tag as many as 50 sharks in the Gulf of Mexico to learn more about their feeding habits and behavior. Read More

Texas A&M University at Galveston researchers awarded $1.9 million to study deep-ocean fauna in the Gulf of Mexico

Dr. Jay Rooker, Dr. David Wells and Dr. Ron Eytan of Texas A&M Galveston Marine Biology are co-investigators on a research consortium led by Dr. Tracey Sutton from Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Read More