College of Marine Sciences & Maritime Studies

Texas A&M Galveston Student Gives Presentation at Worldwide Symposium


Morgan BeaverMorgan Beaver, a Marine Science student in her senior year at Texas A&M University at Galveston, gave an educational presentation on the history of the development and use of the Sargassum Early Advisory System (SEAS) at the 21st annual Sea Bean Symposium that was held for the first time at the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Headquarters in Galveston.

The Sea Bean symposium has been held in Coco Beach, Florida since it began 21 years ago.  Due to problems caused by Hurricane Matthew, this year the event was move to Galveston.  It was such a success that as a result the Sea Bean Symposium will now be held every other year in Galveston.

The symposium is a worldwide network of scientists, botanists, oceanographers, naturalists, authors and beachcombers who gather to exchange information about the beach and ocean.

Beaver was invited by the symposium to present on SEAS, a predictive model that is used to give as much as a two week early warning of the arrival of sargassum, the brown macro algae commonly called seaweed, on beaches in the Gulf of Mexico and islands in the Caribbean Sea.

Beaver was one of the original members of a research team that, under the direction & guidance of Captain Robert Webster, developed the SEAS model.

To learn more about the Sea Bean Symposium go to: