Campus Life

Turkey Trot Pre-Thanksgiving Calorie Burn!


Okay, why do you exercise? Lots of reasons, right? But primarily you want to EAT without feeling guilty on Thanksgiving.

Have I got a deal for you!

Turkey Trot! You can do the Turkey Trot 5k Walk/Run on Friday—this Friday—at Noon. Bring a non-perishable food item for the entry fee, wear something fun and/or tacky to run/walk in, and do the Turkey Trot 5k. Then you can sit down at your Thanksgiving dinner knowing you blessed someone with food AND already burned off the calories you are about to over-indulge in. Well, maybe not ALL the calories, but pretend, and don’t feel guilty. We can always do a Turkey Roll after Thanksgiving, right? Right after the Turkey Nap.

You can trot like a turkey, you can run, you can walk, you can stand by and clap and cheer, or whatever combination you choose—I plan to two-step at least part of it. You can do one lap, or two, or three. You can take a sweet little victory lap in front of the Student Center at the end. You can bring your family and friends—they can participate too. But DO BRING A FOOD ITEM, And do come have fun with us.

And don’t worry about the weather. We have a contingency plan if it rains.

For Registration information contact Mary Bentz

Must sign waiver to participate. Waivers will be available the day of the event.